Saturday, 18 February 2012

'Swan with Attitude'.

Have you ever picked up your brush and from the first stroke felt, "this is going to be a goody"? That is how I felt when I started painting this lovely creature. Maybe it was because as soon as I saw him I made a 'connection' with him. There was just something about him and I knew I had to paint this 'swan with attitude' ... the label my good friend Peter Williams gave him.


  1. Yes, sometimes you can feel it right away, that a painting is going to be great, and this certainly turned out well! What a wonderful movement with feet and head, awesome work Ingrid!

  2. Yes I know that feeling and aren't those the paintings that almost seem to paint themselves? I think this is one of your best.

  3. Many thanks Jane, I am so glad you can relate to how I felt when I was doing this painting. And yes, the head and feet I enjoyed most of all. Thank you for stopping by! :)

  4. Thank you so much Keith! :) ...and yes, this painting did almost paint itself. I remember feeling the same way when I painted "Charlie Chaplin" which I must add here. Good to see you! :)

  5. Hi Ingrid, I agree with you, sometimes (not very often unfortunately) the brushes seems to work freely, and at the end, I'm wondering why I do not paint always like this..... Your swan is simply fantastic! Ciao.

  6. WOW Ingrid this is adorable. What a great painting and a beautiful Swan. And your feeling with this swan, marvelous and it is a great aret work and it lives.
    Lovely greet

  7. You know my view on this one .... Awesome!!! Your best yet. ;-)

  8. I love this picture! It is strange how sometimes they just flow and others, no matter how hard you try, just don't work.

  9. Beautiful swan, beautifully painted.

  10. Tito, I am so pleased you like like my swan! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave such lovely comments! :)

    I have started another swan Marja, I do hope you will like the second one as much as the first. So good to see you! :)

    John ... thank you my bff. :)

    Great to see you Eunice, and thank you! :) These days when I become aware a painting is not working I put it away and leave it for a few weeks or sometimes months. Fresh eyes can make a big difference.

    I appreciate your encouragement Sharon .. thank you! :)

  11. A wonderful watercolour painting...Swans are my favourite birds and you captured him perfectly!

  12. Hi Susanna and welcome to my Blog. Many thanks for your super comments. I too love swans, and geese ... and ducks! :)) Hope to see you again soon, thanks for stopping by! :)

  13. Love your work! Happy painting!


I'm afraid I have had to introduce word verification as I had 96 spammer posts when I returned from holiday. I hope after a short while I can try again with no word verification, I do hope you understand ... thank you Ingrid.